What's new?
Interface Improvements
New Create Experience for Video Wall content
Now when creating content for a Video Wall, you can see where your bezels & gaps are present. The areas of the canvas where the bezels & gaps are present will be semi transparent making it easy to see which portions of your content will not be shown.
New Preview Experiences for Video Wall content
Now when previewing content for a Video Wall, you can see where your bezels & gaps are present. The areas of the canvas where the bezels & gaps are present will be opaque giving you a realistic view of how the content will display once published to the player.
Install Player Wizard now clearly shows the orientation of the screens
Made a number of other styling improvements to the Install Player Wizard, content thumbnails and player icons.
General Improvements
Player's schedules which contain content with end-date in the past or links to non-existent resources will be automatically cleaned up from their, reducing the risk of time-outs
Media App will now automatically open the media picker instead of placing an image of clouds and requiring the user to click "change media".
Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug where Snapshot for iBX440 does not show up correctly on the Monitoring Page
Fixed a bug where the text app does not immediately deselect on a single click if the user clicks outside of the app.
Fixed a bug where the text app and shape apps did not allow typing in certain circumstances
Fixed a bug on the PLAYERS-SETP page where the context sensitive menu for iBX410 was displaying incorrectly
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