What's new?

Interface Improvements

  • Added ability to align multiple elements vertically or horizontally.  Once multiple items are selected, a contextual menu will appear:

    Contextual Menu

Other Improvements

  • Changed the format of the Premium invoice numbers to avoid duplicates between accounts
  • Added the El Pais - Deported RSS Feed. 
  • The RTS feeds were showing lower resolution images on all players and previews. Now, they show the original resolution on all 4th generation players (HMP400 & iBX 4xx), and a high resolution (close to 1080p) on 3rd generation players (HMP3xx & DiVA) as well as the previews. 
  • Some El Pais RSS feeds included high resolution imaged which exceeded the maximum capabilities of 3rd generation players and would not show. Lower resolutions (1080p) are now shown for those players. 

NOTE: In order to benefit from the improvements to the RTS or El Pais RSS feeds, users must: 

  1. Remove the projects from the players
  2. Open the projects using the feeds
  3. Re-select the appropriate feeds
  4. Save the projects
  5. Publish the project to the players of their choice


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where resizing nodes could appear on one element when selecting multiple elements.



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