This article demonstrates how to organize your digital signage players into groups by using tags. SpinetiX ARYA allows you to add, modify, or remove tags and associate them with players in your account. Select a topic below to learn more: 



Tagging Players

To tag a player, simply:

  1. Log in to your account and click PLAYERS, and then Setup.
  2. Select a player and click on the TAG plus plus-button.png  button from the contextual menu on the right.
  3. Start typing the name of your tag. You can pick any word or character combination. Then hit the Enter button on your keyboard.

    Tip: All tags you associate with at least one player appear on top of your players list in the Players section. You can easily filter your players using these tags. Click on a tag to show only the players tagged with it.

    A quick alternative way to tag players is by dragging and dropping a tag on top of your desired item.
    Note: You can add as many tags to your players as you want. If you want to apply an already existing tag, just start typing its name and select it from the drop-down menu that appears underneath.


    • This is how to easily tag your digital signage players.


Tip: once you tagged your players, you can -
  • publish content to multiple players at the same time. To learn more, please refer to this article
  • easily sort and filter your players. Just click on any tag that appears on top of your players to only show the player(s) tagged with it;

  • link certain content to certain players using the Smart Sync feature;
  • limit operational access of individual users to only access a player or a group of players that bear a specific tag. To learn more, please refer to this article.


Removing Tags from Players

To remove a tag from a player:

  1. Go to Setup in the Players section and select a player.

  2. Hover over the tag you want to remove from your player, then hit the tag-x-button.png  button that appears in the top right corner of the tag.


Editing and Deleting Tags

To rename a tag, simply double-click on it and type in the new name, then hit the Enter button on your keyboard.

To delete a tag, locate and click on the desired tag from the top of your players list. Then click the tag-x-button.png  button that appears in the top right corner of the tag. This will remove the tag from all players associated with it and simultaneously delete the tag from your account. 


  • Deleting a tag doesn’t delete players associated with it;
  • If the tag you deleted is also used to tag content like files or projects, that tag will continue to be associated with the respective content. To learn more about how to delete tags from content, please refer to this article;
  • If the deleted tag was part of a Smart Sync setup, the Smart Sync setup where the deleted tag participated will stop functioning.



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