Use the Hours app in SpinetiX ARYA to display the working hours of your organization. The Hours app is also useful to quickly set up and display a calendar of upcoming events, etc. Follow the simple steps below to learn how to use the Hours app.


Using the Hours app:

  1. From the Project edit page, select the Hours app.

  2. A table with text fields appears on your canvas.


    Each row has two text fields. To edit the first one, hover over the upper part of the first row. Once you see that the upper part is highlighted, click on it and enter your text. In this example, we enter the daily working hours. 


    Repeat the same action to edit the bottom text field. In this case, we put the name of the day.


    Tip: You can also use the Hours app to create an events calendar. For example, by putting the name of the event in the top field and typing in the day of the event in the bottom field. 

    Note: You can also use the S | M | L setting from the contextual menu to adjust the size of the Hour app labels. Increasing the text size will lead to less rows being shown, while decreasing the text size will display more rows.

  3. Hours-app-textfield-size-S-L.png

    The Hours app is responsive to the size you set. You can increase the height of the app (via drag and drop) to increase the number of rows. Alternatively, you can reduce its height of the app to show fewer lines.


  • This is how easy it is to use the Menu app in SpinetiX ARYA. 


Tip: To learn more about all the apps available in SpinetiX ARYA click here: Creating Content



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